Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to join the 13th International Conference on Protein Stabilization which will be held on 07 – 09 October 2021 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
ProtStab’2021 will be organized by the University of Food Technologies, Gebze Technical University & The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) with significant contribution of European Society of Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB). After peer review process, accepted abstracts of ProtStab2021 will be published in the special issues of two journals, The Protein Journal (Springer) and Food Science and Applied Biotechnology (FSAB) as Full-length original research papers; Short communications; Review articles.
Honorable scientists like Roland Wohlgemuth, Jennifer Littlechild, Barış Binay, Antonio O. Ballesteros, Marina Lotti, and Inga Matijosyte are members of the organizing committee.
A variety of Scientific Topics is included in the conference, like Methodologies to Increase Protein Stability; Medical Aspects of Protein Stability; Enzymes from Extremophiles and Applications; Enzyme Stabilization for Industrial Bioprocesses; Protein Biotechnology; Directed Evolution (or Other Protein Engineering) to Increase Protein Stability; Stability of Therapeutic Proteins; Protein Stability in Domestic, Cosmetic, Food Science and Nutraceuticals etc.
Please, have in mind the next important dates:
July 1, 2021 – Early registration deadline
July 1, 2021 – Abstract Submission Deadline for oral presentation
September 1, 2021 – Abstract Submission Deadline for poster presentation
The guideline for an abstract presentation is available on the page of the conference
The whole information for the Conference you could find on the next address: https://www.protstab2021.org