The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology
Member Of The International Institut Pasteur Network
The "Pythagoras" Awards of the Ministry of Education and Science for the year 2024 were presented at the gala ceremony that took place on May 17 this year. The official ceremony for the highest honors of the Ministry of Education and Culture for Science was opened by the minister of education and science Prof. Galin Tsokov. It is being held for the 16th year in a row, and 45 scientists applied for this year's competition.
Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev from the Institute of Microbiology - BAS was awarded the "Pythagoras" prize for an established scientist in the field of life sciences and medicine. In the last five years, Prof. Georgiev's work has been combined in 72 scientific publications with a total impact factor of 668, one book and one book chapter. Prof. Milen Georgiev is already the winner of three "Pythagoras" awards in different categories. For the past 4 years, he has been among the top 2% in the world ranking for citing all scientists and scientific disciplines. He is the chairman of the Bulgarian Phytochemical Society and is one of the founders of the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology /CPSBB/ in the city of Plovdiv.
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Acad. Georgi Bonchev street
blok. 26, Sofia, zip 1113
tel.: +359 2 979 31 57
+359 879 499 167
Cellular Biosystems Laboratory
Plovdiv, zip 4000
139, Ruski blvd.
Manager: Assoc. Prof. Vasil Georgiev, PhD
Metabolomics Laboratory
Plovdiv, zip 4000
139, Ruski blvd.
Manager: Prof. Milen Georgiev, PhD
Laboratory “Ecology of pathogenic bacteria”
Veliko Tarnovo, zip 5002
78 Nikola Gabrovski Str., floor. 4
Manager: Assist. Prof. Zvezdimira Tsvetanova, PhD