Институт по микробиология “СТЕФАН АНГЕЛОВ”
Член на международната асоциация на институтите Пастьор
Head: Assist. Prof. Kalina Nikolova-Ganeva, PhD
E-mail: nikolova_k@microbio.bas.bg
Assist. Prof. Valeriya Gyurkovska, PhD E-mail: vali_lqs@yahoo.com
Candida albicans infections, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Complement system.
The results of the Laboratory of Infectious Immunology and Inflammation contribute to the experimental immunology and immunotherapy. The elaborated experimental mouse models of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis allow the investigation of the pathogenesis of joint disorders and are suitable for evaluation of potential anti-arthritic agents. The main topics of the laboratory are: 1) to dissect key biological and molecular pathways in acute and chronic inflammatory disorders and diseases, and to understand their relevance to the disease pathology, and 2) to develop new tools and approaches for the prediction, prevention and management of the abnormal immune responses. For the first time, the relationship between the mechanisms of innate immunity (complement system) and the processes of joint destruction has been established and an in vitro model for generation of erosive cells has been developed. With clinical meaning are the results obtained in arthritic patients, which help the identification of biochemical markers characteristic for active and inactive arthritic process. For the first time, the mechanism of action of tyrosine kinase inhibitor tyrphostin AG490 in a model of osteoarthritis has been studied precisely.
ул. “ Акад. Георги Бончев“
бл. 26, София, п. к. 1113
тел.: +359 2 979 31 57
+359 879 499 167
e-mail: micb@microbio.bas.bg
Лаборатория “Клетъчни биосистеми”
Пловдив, п.к. 4000
бул. ”Руски” 139
Ръководител: доц. д-р Васил Георгиев
Лаборатория “Метаболомика”
Пловдив, п.к. 4000
бул. ”Руски” 139
Ръководител: проф. д-р Милен Георгиев
Лаборатория “Екология на патогенните бактерии”
В. Търново, п.к. 5002
ул. ”Никола Габровски” № 78, ет.4
Ръководител: гл. ас. д-р Звездимира Цветанова